
The 网赌上分平台 offers several graduate 调查及证书课程. These certificate 项目 allow you to explore and gain a better understanding of different facets of 调查 without committing to a full master’s degree. If you choose to complete a master’s, they can also offer an additional focus on top of your degree. Each certificate below is offered 100% online and any discounts offered for the degree apply for the certificates as well.

每个证书需要12个学分或4门课程. 如果你是在读硕士生, you may apply two of your courses (or 6 credit hours) towards the 12-credit requirement.


The Financial Crimes Investigation certificate is comprised of two required courses and two electives from the list as shown. This certificate is intended to enhance a student’s knowledge, 和就业能力, in both the public and private sector financial crimes investigations.


  • inves 6605白领犯罪话题
  • INVS 6629 Evolving Trends of Financial and Cyber Crimes in an EMV World
  • 两门选修课:从以下课程中选择两门(6学分)
  • INVS 6601, INVS 6603, INVS 6610, INVS 6612, INVS 6626, INVS 6627, INVS 6634 or INVS 6635

The Cybercrime Investigation certificate is comprised of two required courses and two electives from any 程序 (one of which must be from INVS). This certificate is intended to enhance a student’s knowledge, 和就业能力, in both the public and private sector cybercrime investigations.


  • INVS 6611 Contemporary Topics in 网络犯罪的调查
  • CJST 6600 Computer Crime: Legal Issues and Investigative Procedures
  • 另外还有两门免费选修课, at least one of which is from INVS course offerings approved by advisor (6 credits)

The Digital Forensics Investigation certificate is comprised of two required courses and two electives from any 程序, 获得指导老师的同意. This certificate is intended to enhance a student’s knowledge, 和就业能力, in both the public and private sector digital forensics investigations.


  • CJST 6600 Computer Crime: Legal Issues and Investigative Procedures
  • cjst6627互联网调查 & 基于审计的计算机取证
  • 外加两门选修课(6学分)
公民权利 & 第九条调查

民权 & Title IX Investigation certificate is comprised of two required courses and two electives from any 程序, 获得指导老师的同意. This certificate is intended to enhance a student’s knowledge, 和就业能力, 在公共和私营部门的公民权利 & 第九条调查.


  • INVS 6617民权调查
  • 第IX章 & 其他捕食者调查
  • 外加两门选修课(6学分)

The 卫生保健欺诈 Investigation certificate is comprised of four required courses. This certificate is intended to enhance a student’s knowledge, 和就业能力, in both the public and private sector healthcare fraud investigations.


  • INVS 6635医疗欺诈调查
  • INVS 6637医疗欺诈剖析
  • INVS 6638电子文件 & 卫生保健欺诈
  • INVS 6643 卫生保健欺诈 Analytics or INVS 6612 Contemporary Topics in Insurance 调查

安全、风险 & Resiliency certificate is comprised of three required courses and a choice between two courses for the fourth required course. This certificate is intended to enhance a student’s knowledge, 和就业能力, 在公共和私营部门的安全, 风险和弹性.


  • INVS 6639 Global Perspectives of Multi-national Private Sector 安全 Operations
  • 针对私营部门的不对称攻击
  • 针对私营部门的不对称攻击
  • INVS 6606证券 & Loss Prevention or INVS 6644知识产权 & 冒牌货品调查

The Compliance Investigation certificate is comprised of three required courses and one elective from any 程序, 获得指导老师的同意. This certificate is intended to enhance a student’s knowledge, 和就业能力, in both the public and private sector financial intelligence investigations.


  • INVS 6650法规 & 职业骗子
  • INVS 6603当代洗钱话题
  • INVS 6613 BSA和合规调查
  • 外加一门选修课(3学分)


  • 贿赂 & 腐败调查
  • INVS 6640国际体育赌博,假球 & 腐败
  • 美国体育腐败
  • INVS 6656国际 & 全国体育博彩市场

The Trafficking in Persons Investigation certificate is comprised of two required courses and two electives from any 程序, 获得指导老师的同意. This certificate is intended to enhance a student’s knowledge, 和就业能力, in both the public and private sector trafficking in persons investigations.


  • 非法交易 & 走私
  • 人口贩运中的技术
  • 数据分析和人口贩运
  • FORS 6627 Forensic 调查 into the Trafficking of Persons
老 & 保护儿童服务调查

老 & Child Protective Investigation certificate is comprised of two required courses and two electives from any 程序, 获得指导老师的同意. This certificate is intended to enhance a student’s knowledge, 和就业能力, 无论是在公共部门还是私营部门 & 儿童保护服务调查.


  • INVS 6615老年人和其他欺诈调查
  • INVS 6645老年人司法调查
  • 涉及儿童的犯罪
  • INVS 6660家庭暴力 & 暴力的调查

The Criminal Investigation certificate is comprised of three required courses and one elective from the list as shown below. This certificate is intended to enhance a student’s knowledge, 和就业能力, in both the public and private sector criminal investigations.


  • 第IX章 & 其他捕食者调查
  • INVS 6623 Investigative Intricacies in Death 调查
  • 涉及儿童的犯罪
  • One elective from the following: INVS 6660, INVS 6629, INVS 6620, INVS 6635, INVS 6628

The Corporate Investigation certificate is comprised of three required courses and one elective from any INVS course, 获得指导老师的同意. This certificate is intended to enhance a student’s knowledge, 和就业能力, 在公共和私人公司调查中.


  • INVS 6604公司调查主题
  • 贿赂 & 腐败调查
  • INVS 6644知识产权 & 冒牌货品调查
  • 任选一门INVS课程
野生动物 & 环境犯罪调查

野生动物 & 环境犯罪证书 is comprised of three 3 credit courses and three 1 credit courses (self-study and self-paced).

必修课程:3- 1学分课程(3学分)

  • INVS 6500反洗钱基础1学分
  • 野生动物犯罪调查1学分
  • 环境犯罪调查1学分

3 - 3学分课程(9学时)

  • INVS 6603当代洗钱话题 3 credit hours
  • 野生动物犯罪调查
  • 环境犯罪调查